»ti<l Aitfa With Sit' (Cltbel
ZXir QLive Alive! ©
Established 1991 The Timex/Sinclair NorthAmerican User Groups Newsletter
T/SNUG Information
We wish to support the following
platforms: ZX-80/8L TS-1000,
Spectrum, TS-2068, Z88 and QL. If
you have any questions about any of
these fine Sinclairs, contact the:
Donald S. Lambert
738 Gunnar Ln.
Forsyth, EL 62535
(217) 875-8043
Tape & JLO PD Librae
Luke Perry
3409 NE 62nd Ave. #187
Vancouver, WA 98661
Dave Bennett (HATSUG)
12 75 Timber View Dr.
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-9146
717 732-4374
QL Hacker's Journal
Timothy Swenson
2455 Medallion Dr.
Union City, CA 94587-1914
Rod Humphreys (VSUG)
10984 Collins PI.
Delta, BC V4C 7E6 Canada
604 583-2819
QL PD Library
John Donaldson (CATUG)
835 Foxwood Cir.
Geneva IL 60134-1631
630 232-6147
AERCO & Z80 Emulator
Keith Watson
41634 Amberly Dr.
Mt. Clemens. MI 48038
Bob Swoger (CATUG)
613 Parkside Cir.
Streamwood, IL 60107-1647
630 837-7957
ZXir QLive Alive!
T/SNUG's main goal is to preserve and encourage the use of Sinclair computers
by providing an open forum for the exchange of knowledge, building and
maintaining of software libraries. Providing vendors, repair sendee and members
with free ad space.
Send in your articles and inputs by disk, hardcopy mail, or e-mail to:
WOODSTOCK GA 30188-7358
E-mail: AKahalefgjuno.com
Message tc Members
^^^ ^ t& aw efid
Please do not send any more contributions
ZXir QLive Alive!
Autumn 2002
Dear Abed,
I had a TS-2068, Alphacom, Interface 1, two
microdrives, snapshot and ZX emulator cartridge. I
made by myself one Kempston Interface, too. That
was in 1984. I moved my home several times and
lost my dear TS and Printer. Now I'm looking for
another TS, ( Exist someones here in Argentina ) but
I need to get the circuit diagram of the TWIStSf in
order to connect the IF One. I'd like to get details of
the Double ROM project too. Can you help me?
Thanks in advance, and excuse me for my English.
Note: By the way, do you know any person that are
selling some TS-2068?
Dear Abed,
Thanks a lot for your fast and kindly answer. If
you know where can I find some TS, or who would
sell one, in USA, please advise me. Thanks again.
Dear Abed,
Thanks a lot for your help. I sent a mail to Jack.
(Boatwright) Is your Newsletter on-line? Until the
next mail... Regards. My address is
Hector Picone
Avenida Santa Fe 348 - 11 E
CP 1642-Acassuso
Provincia de Buenos Aires
005411-49592218 Fx
Hi Abed,"" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sorry that I can't help with the twister board. I
sent all of the TS stuff to Jack Boatwright except the
Z88 stuff which I kept but I have not done anything
with so tar.
I guess you will have to put that in ZQA and
see if anyone knows anything about a twister board.
I have gotten into experimenting a little with
electronics and doing a little soldering. I am w orking
on a kit I got thru Poptronics magazine web site
which is based in Australia. I bought a kit to have a
variable power supply the is only lacking the
transformer (which I had) and am now getting it into
a case so a loose wire won't short it out. The power
supply uses a 7805 and is variable from 5V DC on
up to whatever the transformer will supply. To get a
lower voltage I can put a 1N4001 diode in series
with the output, or put more than one in series. This
W'Ould be elementary stuff for you. My knowledge is
still back in the vacuum tube days. Timex still lives,
Don Lambert
/ remember that the Twister Board was
developed by Nazir Pashtoon, but I do not know
his present address or his URL and I forgot in
what publication that article appeared, Editor
I decided to go to the meeting, so I send an e-
mail to Peter with the question that I wanted to come
to the meeting. Well I live in the Netherlands and 1
had to borrow a good car. I own a Suzuki Alto 0.8.
So 1 borrowed the car from my wife's parents and
we were ready to go to the meeting in Fuida so
finally it became Friday and we left at 10.00. But my
wife had to buy some groceries and we left at 1.00
with some arguments.
I drove to Germany so naturally, we got lost in
Germany. But after some nice words of me and
some km drive, we got on the right road. Later we
got lost again in the dark because it was hard to find
the road to Fulda. So finally we came to the right
place a Youth hotel which was rented by Peter. I
think it was 8 or 9 PM.
I was very eager to go to meet some more
people whom also like the ZX8 1 Finally I saw Kai
Fisher and his ZX-2002 myself. There was a table in
the middle of the room and m the surroundings there
where many tables. All with ZX8 1 ZX-96 an ZX-
2002s. Everybody was eating. The only problem
was. (no problem), I brought my wife and they
didn't expect it, so they had to make a room for us.
Then. Peter walked towards me. I told him. I was
Bjorn from Holland. He told me he wasn't sure if I
was crazy. But he received an email from me the day
before, telling him I was coming to the meeting.
He now 7 was sure that I was crazy. Then I saw
the ZX-2002 standing, so I ran to it to see for myself
about this wonderful piece of work. After seeing it
and talking to Kai, 1 remembered my wife and went
to her. After all she doesn't like the ZX81 at all.
Then Peter explained the house rules and how ? did
they arrange the money for the meeting. Later there
was a room for me and we had to go make up to bed.
Then we went back to the room with the
computers. After talking to Kai, some older guy
interrupted me and took me to a table and showed
me his ZX-96. this was standing on the machine. I
told him I was sorry for Kai that I wasn't ready for
talking, then he told me this w<as normal because
every body was talking to everybody at the same
time (true).
ZXir QLive Alive!
Autumn 2002
I read before about the ZX-96 and it was
difficult to build. So amazed. I noticed it was
standing on the machine. I pointed the ZX-96 and he
told me that it was hard to make the letters for his
machine. But never speaking about the technical part
witch is much more difficult (For me). It also
contained a floppy drive and some more stuff.
Almost every ZX81 at the meeting had a
floppy drive. Some time later my wife went to bed
and I talked until deep in the night with every body.
1 also bought many books and a ZX81 with IK
RAM from Kai (now containing 32k). And there I
also found Adventure A from Artie computing.
Later, I saw a ZX81 with a RAM chip on the
ROM soldered and asked what was happening, with
the ROM. No, no, no, it is a WOM! A WOM???', I
answered. This was a nice project, so you can
program the ROM.. (Write only memory) Very nice.
The breakfast was between 8 and 9 am. I was
talking to some other guys. And soon, the ZX81 I
brought from Kai was connected to an interface and
for internal look into the ZX81. Now we could
examine the ROM and we got a nice experiment. I
learned some outputs which I now better understand.
After some experimental, I searched for my wife and
finally found her in the garden reading. She told me
she liked to go home, (AAARGGGHHH
After some talking we decided to go to the town
and walk there then she went early to bed. Then after
2 hours experimenting and (time fly's when you're
having fun). By now there were almost 30 people
Also a guy from former DDR East Germany,
who in the old time build a ZX8 1 himself, from TTL
and without a ULA. I told Peter, that we would
leave, and go to the towns and we would be back
later that day. So we did and me in trauma because
it just became fun, but we went together. Some guys
from the ZX Spectrum organization, also where
there, and they had connected a video camera to
their Spectrum. They could now take some pictures
of the people. Very nice and amusing. Later we went
back to the meeting, and my wife soon went to bed,
so I could talk all night about the ZX81 and the fun
stuff about it and I did.
Somebody asked me if I was a user or a builder.
User? Builder? I asked him. what do you mean?
Well if I designed my own hardware, or if I used the
ZX81, so I was a user. Glad because I had another
idea about users. I also bought a little book from
Peter. The price was to write a brief review 7 about the
meeting. Later I played some games, and made some
friends. Peter and I, had a plan to make us
millionaires and Bill Gate would polish our shoes.
(Little joke)
I went talking until it was very late and my
head full of ideas, I couldn't sleep of all the input I
had about this little machine. The next morning, I
left after the breakfast.
Short note: But if I write all the things and all the
people I met, this would be a brief view? of about a
little book, and this is not the purpose.
We left at 9.00 AM and we where back by 17.00 PM
with a speeding ticket. But it was all worth it. I had a
wonderful time. I will always remember the nice
time I had at the meeting. Many, Many thanks.
A Good Advice
On Sim, 4 Aug 2002, James Coles wrote:
Hello all. I have a Timex Sinclair 2068 with no
RF switch. Would anyone know where I could get
one from?
James Coles
I don't know if you'll find an exact replacement
(these devices aren't nearly as common as they used
to be), but it's easy to work around it. The output
from the RF jack on the 2068 is the same as you'd
get from a standard 75 ohm TV cable, only via an
RCA plug instead of an F connector. You can get an
RCA-to-F adapter or cable at Radio Shack, along
with a switch, if needed. This is probably a better
solution than the original switchbox anyway, since
that device is oriented to 300 ohm connections (with
two screw tenninals), while most or all recent TVs
are strictly 75 ohm (F connectors).
ZXirQLive Alive!
Autumn 2002
Even better would be to connect the Composite
output of the 2068 to the video in on the TV; that
will give you a better picture because it bypasses the
modulation and demodulation (tuning) steps.. At the
time the 2068 was made, such connectors were not
common on TVs. but nowadavs they're nearly
universal. Failing that, you can connect it to the
video input on a VCR (even more common than on
TVs), and pass it to the TV that way. (This may or
may not be better than using the 2068's internal RF
William McBrine <wmcbrine@telocity.com>
ts2Q68 @yahoogroups.com
To: ts2068@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [TS2068] Twister Board
Anybody can help me?
I'm trying to made a twister board for my
TS2068. Most signals exist in ZX and TS.
present only in ZX bus.
Which ones are TS equivalents ? Thanks,
Hector Picone
ROSCS is "pin 2 8 A on the '2068 'backplane arid ~
pin 35 on the dock comiector.
I'm not sure about the other. Hope that helps.
See TS2068 Technical Manual for details. You can
download it from a handful of web sites.
Scott A. Rossell
This is another QL emailshot for a
forthcoming show.
Bill Richardson:
<URL :http ://www.fjrshman. demon co. uk/ireland/ ee
Jochen Merz Software
<URL : http ://smsq.j -m-s . com>
Qcelt Software:
<URL : http :// www.firshman. demon . co . uk/ireland/ qc
Saturday 24th August 2002
Roundwood Village Hall, Roundwood
Republic of Ireland
(There is likely to be an organized dinner afterwards,
and plenty of Guinness in local pubs)
Tel: +353 (0) 404 45319 (Darren Branagh)
It is a lovely part of Ireland and is easily
reachable from Rosslare or Dun Laoghaire (Dim
Leary!) near Dublin by car. To quote Darren:
It is high in the beautiful Wicklow mountains.
It is a PERFECT place for a quiet holiday - it's the
second biggest tourist location in Ireland. It has a lot
to offer including some of the ancient relics and
dozens of the oldest standing buildings in the
country, including one of the first Christian
settlements. The scenery and countryside has to be
seen to be believed - its stunning. Nearby attractions
include Powerscourt Extate and waterfall the
monastic city of Glendalough. Wicklow Gaol (are
you having us on Darren?), the Guimiess Estate, and
Bray seafront resort.
Darren Branagh is organizing this show of
course. He will have his advertised products,
including the first ever commercial QL CD ROMs.
He will also be directing the filming for a unique
DVD ROM of the QL scene, available later this
year. We will have a selection, as usual, of software
and hardware.
Tony Firshman
tony@fir shman.dem on.cQ.uk
Abed" " ~ ~
You can add to my list of
a GeminMOX printer - replete with cables
and manual and a 2400 Baud Modem. Once
again, no cost for shipping.
Ruth Fegley
ruth.fegley@Worldnet.ATT.net one.
Offer, $100 Reward
for a TS2068 emulator that will work with a classic
iMaC, not a Spectrum. I do not want to spend hours
making it work or have to learn Linux or Unix. I got
enough trouble trying to work the iMac with the Dell
and so far doing well with printer. SuperDrive.
sound amplifiers and scanner alternately working
with both.
I use XP on Dell so it will not accept a DOS
antiquity to emulate either. The emulator does not
have to be original, but I will not reward for what
will not work. Maybe one of the you have such
going—they would if they had ever played with the
TS2068 instead of the Spectrum. Emulate from
TS2068 to classic iMac using 8,6 OS or emulate
from TS2068 to DELL using Windows XP Home
Joan Kealy
" PO Box 1439
Brackettville TX 78832-1439
ZXir QLive Alive!
Autumn 2002
Hello Fellow T/S Users....
Sadly, the subject pretty much says it. After 18
years of Timex/Sinclair I have a push-comes-to-
shove situation on my hands and I have to get rid of
a lot of stuff. I will keep the computers but I have a
lot of commercial software, books and magazines up
for grabs.
I will post a detailed list later but off the top of
my head I have.
Your Sinclair Magazine
Ordi-5 (French language Sinclair computer
Time Designs
Sine Ware Newletter
Ottawa-Hull Timex Sinclair User Group
Newsletter and a lot of similar stuff.
I have a numerous books, technical manuals,
software manuals. If you are looking for something
in particular give me a shout. First come, first
□ good editor can make SuperBASIC coding
5 i and debugging much easier. In this article I
also mean SBASIC since it is an extension of
SuperBASIC. QD with QBASIC or Basic Linker
allow a versatile editor along with Thing
multitasking to provide a fine SuperBASIC
development environment. Instead I like to use
the TK2/SMS editor ED and the other built-in
features. My reasons are:
1 . Immediate syntax checking,
2. Ability to run parts of a program,
3. Good handling of GO TO and RESTORE. And
4. The option of adding various aids as desired.
Before I go any further, realize that these are
personal preferences. However, I have written
a lot of SuperBASIC and have used other types of
programming environments. (A programming
environment is jargon for a front-end program to
write and debug programs; it is not the temperature
in your office!) I am reluctant to use the mouse
which requires good hand and eye coordination.
When my eyes are blurry, I have trouble finding
the pointer. Further, I can use CSIZE to make
larger letters with ED; all the other editors (Please
correct me if I am wrong!) use only standard size
fonts. In any case, you may want to contrast my
preferences by reading Tim Swenson's "BASIC
David Solly
k david soli vmihotmail. com
asm. i ti 'T-^ , ■ ,
If you have anything technical on the 2068
(other than the technical manual) such as a
docuented Timex (not Sinclair) ROM disassembly,
schematics or machine code associated with any
peripherals or game cartridges, please let me know.
Scott Rossell
sarossell@cox.n et
I'll buy all your magazine that relate to Sinclair
and all book that I don't have it. Please give me the
list and price. Thanks, Watchara
Don Dindang
Let me know what Your Sinclair magazines
you have. Maybe I can fill up the blanks that I don't
James Coles
colesj@rogers .com
by Al Boehm
Linker - A Review" in the July/August 2000 QL
Q Ds strengths ED checks syntax as soon as you
^ try to enter a line. The majority of my errors
are due to misspelling or other syntax mistakes. I
find it daunting to have to correct all the syntax
errors all at once. Plus a simple syntax error, for
example in a Dimension, can cause numerous
errors through out the program.
{ n debugging, it is nice to be able to run a
\ fragment of a program to see if that part works.
If I want to see if lines 150 and 160 work, I just
temporarily add a stop at 165 and Goto 150.
Indeed, this fragment running is a big reason why I
prefer the QL and SuperBASIC over other any
other system for program development.
| avoid GOTO in programs since they tend to
X make it hard to follow what is going on. But
sometimes a GOTO is just the best way to do
something. Plus I often use parts of other people's
code that has GOTOs. RESTORE sets the next
DATA statement for read. When programs are
renumbered using RENUM, the line numbers of
GOTOs and RESTORES are automatically updated
to the new line numbers.
i like the ability to add keywords, ALTKEYs, or
i DOs to tailor the editing/debugging to my
preferences. EDs weaknesses There are a lot
ZXir QLive Alive!
Autumn 2002
editing facilities that are not in ED. For example,
find, replace, move. However, keywords have been
developed to do these things. I use Liberation
Software's QREF which can print a list of a single
or all variables or procedures and at what line
number they are found. Also I found Simon
Goodwin's REPLACE better then the find and
change in any of the editors. For example, try
replacing i to item in an editor. Every i in any word
will be found. REPLACE only changes variable
names. Want to edit a particular procedure but
don't know where it is in a long program? Simon's
Ed_Def% to the rescue. It lists all the procedures
and functions in a temporary window, you pick
one, and it automatically EDs to it.
t also use a modified version of Turbo's demo
t HOW COME which prints the calling sequence
of procedures and functions. This allows you to
know when a procedure bombs where it was called
from. There are certain editing sequences that I
find myself doing frequently. I put the commands
in a DO file and when I need to do it I DO it. For
example, I have a Movelt winch moves a block of
code from one location to another.
i also have a ListQ which list all the lines that
t have a given variable name on them - very
handy for finding out if you really did initialize that
variable somewhere. DO files are so easy to
make, I sometimes write specialized versions for a
specific program. For example, in a long ranniiig
simulation, I hit CTRL/space to temporarily stop
the program then type DO out which prints out the
values of I, J. and K which are FOR indexes which
tell me how far along things are.
By using a CONTINUE at the end of the DO
file, the program automatically starts
rerunning. There is very little if anything an editor
can do that I can not do efficiently with ED and ED
aids. In separate articles, I plan to describe in detail
the ED aids that I have wrote. I admit the block
move took some fancy programming which is
worth sharing. God bless, Al Movelt, A DO File
To Move Blocks of SuperBASIC by Al Boehm In
a previous article " ED Aids", I explained why I
like to use the TK2/SMS SuperBASIC editor ED
instead of a separate editor.
X here is, however, one operation that is very
I difficult to do using only ED. Try moving a
block of SuperBASIC lines from one section to
another when there are intervening lines. Pretty
tough work, but very easy to do on most any editor.
The trouble is that editors do not keep track of
GOTO and RESTORE line numbers. Thus, you
have to go back and check and correct any of these.
So I kept track of the commands that I needed to
move a block of code and put them into a DO file.
U owever, there were at least five "challenges"
I I that I had to overcome for the Movelt to work
r HANLENGE 1 : Parameters To A Do How do
you get parameters (in this case the line
numbers specifying the block) to the DO file? I
wanted something like: DO Movelt
500,750,1100,10 where 500 is the start of the
block, 750 the last line, 1100 is where to move it
to, and 10 is the gap size to leave between lines
when done. All my DO files are in winl J)oots_,
and I use PROGUSE winl_boots_ so I don't have
to specify a drive with the DO. I don't know how
to send parameters via a DO. Please let me know if
you do. You could equate numbers to the
start=500:last=750,PutAt=l 1 00:gaps=10, since
variables are available in the DO file. However,
this is somewhat awkward.
R better way, 1 think, is simply to let the DO file
INPUT the values. That way you can print
prompts instead of having to remember the syntax.
Plus you can use unusual variable names that are
unlikely to be used in your program. (If you know
how to do the equivalent of LOCal variables in a
DO, let me know.)
X hus. the first section of Movelt is: REMark
I Movelt moves a block of SuperBASIC. 18 Oct
2001 by A. Boehm - public domain REMark _
before names to make use in mam program unlikely
CLS#0:INPUT#0,' Move lines ';_ L;' TO 4 :..U:* To
new location ';_A;' with gap=';gap$ IF gap$="
THEN _Gap=10: ELSE _Gap=gap$:END IF IF
_L< A THEN DO moveitup:ELSE DO
moveitdown:END IF Note the use of gap$ to let
ENTER alone specify the default, gap=10. 1 did not
add any checks on the inputs since if they are
inconsistent, the program stops with error: Out of
Range, and it is easy enough to start Movelt over
C HALENGE 2: LONG IFs Only inline IFs are
allowed in DO files. The IF in the 4th line of
Movelt works fine. However, a long structure, for
example: IF a<b THEN a-b ELSE b=a END IF
will not work in a DO The 5th line IF originally
had too many statements in it to keep it readable.
So instead I used the chaining properties of DO to
call one or the other of the DO files: Moveltup or
*~ OTHER LINES RENUM easily changes line
numbers but can not change the sequence of the
lines. This limitation was dealt with by first
SAVEing the intervening block of lines, then
ZXir QLive Alive!
Autumn 2002
DELETING them so RENUM could move the
block past. Finally the intervening block is
MERGEd back into place.
0 11 GOTOs and RESTORES are updated
properly except any between the moved block
and the intervening block of lines since the
intervening lines are not in the program when the
block is RENUMed.
ITloveltup DO file: REMark Case 1 of Moveit -
^ I tmove a block higher REMark separate
RENUMs allow known block limits no matter what
gap was used RENUM _A TO;_A+ A- L+2,1
SAVE raml_TempLines._U+l TO _A-1 DLINE
_U+1T0_A-1 RENUM L TO U;_A,1 REMark
Add to file command to run when Merged.
F)) REMark PUT sets file position to end
VER$='HBA" THEN MERGE raml_TempLines
REMark For non SMS, use MERGE in program
onlv or DOs are fouled up.
STOP A MERGE causes a DO file to stop.
How could I complete the remaining steps
automatically? The process is continued by
PRINTing - DO MoveltEnd - as a direct command
after the lines to be MERGEd. This DO
automatically activates the last section of the
Moveit files when the file is MERGEd. SAVE
closes the file and leaves the file position pointer at
the start. The PUT command in Moveit' s 8th line
sets the position pointer to the end of the file. Then
the DO MoveltEnd is PRINTed and the file is
MINERVA The MERGE with the added DO
MoveltEnd in the file works fine with SMS but it
fouls things up when I ran it with Minerva or the
JSU ROM. Apparently with these OS, when
MERGE is used from a DO file or even as a direct
command, no more DOs will work!!?? The
workaround for this is when Moveit stops, ENTER:
1 MERGE raml_TempLines Then ENTER:
GOTO 1 assuming line 1 is not used. This works
but is not slick. If you know a better way, please let
me know.
m oving a block to a lower location is similar,
i I j but the block is temporarily SAVEd and the
intervening lines moved up. Moveltdown DO file:
REMark case 2 of Moveit - move a block lower
SAVE raml_TempLines,_L TO _ U REMark Add
to file final commands to run when Merged.
F)) REMark PUT sets file position to end
VER$=™A r THEN MERGE raml_TempLines
REMark For non SMS, use MERGE only in
program or DOs are fouled up.
Cleaning Up And The Last Small Challenge
X he last DO section, MoveltEnd deletes the
J temporarily ram file, RENUMs the block and
the following program lines with the desired gap. It
finishes by EDing to the new location of the block.
The trouble is that sometimes you want to insert a
block at an odd line number, then all following
lines will have odd numbers. For example, if you
insert at 513, then RENUM with a gap of 10, the
line numbers will be 513, 523, 533 and so on. Fd
prefer 520, 530, 540, etc. The MOD function in the
2nd line of MoveltEnd gets evenly divisible line
numbers. MoveltEnd DO file: REMark
MoveltEnd. Final DO file section of Moveit
RENUM A TO; _A+_Gap-l-(_A-l) MOD
Gap, _Gap "REMark Get divisible (e.g. 100.1 10 not
11 1,121) numbers with MOD calculation DELETE
rami TempLines ED_A
X here is one more quirk I need to warn you
I about. RENUM doesn't work if the last line of
the RENUMed block is just one less then the lines
above it. This minor limitation is easily taken care
of by making space for the block plus two lines as
in the 3rd line of Moveltup.
X his article is available on the NESQLUG web
I site: Moveit is freeware and you are invited to
use or change it anyway you wish. However, I do
hope if you make any serious changes, you will
add a REMark with your name so we know who to
query when it bombs!
God bless. Al
ZXirQLive Alive!
Autumn 2002
Spectrum Emulator Compatible
Larry Kenny
Introduction to LKDOS
The LarKen disk system for the Timex 2068 is fully
Spectrum compatible and also can be used with AROS or
LROS cartridge ROMs.
It supports all token keywords - CAT, ERASE,
GOTO and PRINT that were intended to be used with a
external mass storage device. FORMAT and MOVE are
supplied as programs that run in RAM.
The way these commands are implemented by the
LarKen system is to precede them with a Rand USR 100:
e.g. : RAND USR 100: CAT
For easier typing and a shorter command the PRINT
#4: command can be used instead of Rand USR 100:. To
use PRINT #4: you must first OPEN Channel 4 to the disk
drive with RAND USR 100: OPEN #4,"dd"
You can now precede all LKDOS and Ex-BASIC
commands with PRINT #4: e.g.: PRINT #4: LOAD
"filename, ex"
If the PRINT #4: command is used before it has initialized,
error 0 - Invalid Stream will result.
LKDOS File Names
The only other difference between a LKDOS
command and a standard cassette command, is the file
LKDOS uses a file name that contains a program
name up to 6 characters followed by a two character
extension. A period separates the program name from the
extension. The first letter of the extension tells the DOS
what type of file it is . It must be an A, B or C
•A' for Array 'B* for BASIC «C for Code
This second letter of the extension can be any character
except, if you are saving a sting array, it must be a $
The extension must be two characters long.
The only character that can't he used in a file name is a " A ".
This is used as a wildcard character for use in CAT
Some examples of file names:
"Progrm.Bl" a BASIC program
"zeus.Cx" a code file
"Name. AS" a string array
"Numbrs.Ai " a numeric array
SAVE Commands
Before you can save your programs and data to the
disk, your disk must be formatted. (See section on setup and
formatting) Any formula or expression in a command can
be used.
e.g.: PRINT #4: SAVE a$ (TO 6)+".CT" CODE Start,
End-Start All variations of cassette commands are
PRINT #4: SAW "Prog.Bl" BASIC program
: SAVE "Prog B I LINE 100 Basic Auto run
: SAVE "Prog. CI " CODE Start, length Bytes save
• SAVE "Prog.. C 1 " SCREENS Screen save
: SAVE "Prog. A 1 " DATA ( ) Numeric Array
: SAVE "Prog. AS:" DATAS ( ) String array
ZXir QLive Alive!
Before saving make sure that the write protect notch
on the disk is not covered by a protect sticker and that the
disk is in the drive prooerly with the door closed.
Similarly all cassette LOAD commands are supported.
A special feature in the LOAD command will allow your
BASIC program to continue even when a 'File Not Found'
error lias occurred.
If you POKE 23728,100 before doing a LOAD
command your program will not stop with error T if the
DOS can't find the file. Instead, the DOS will PRINT "NO
FILE" on the screen in the current position and return to
your BASIC program. It will also put 101 in 23728 to
indicate it didn't find the file.
This feature was added for programs such as word
processors etc. that LOAD and SAVE text or work files
from within them. The ON-ERROR command does not
recognize LKDOS errors.
The MERGE command differs from the cassette
MERGE in a few ways. Programs aren't automatically
stopped when merged like the cassette does. This allows
'basic overlays' which means that a BASIC program can be
far larger than what can be loaded into the computer at
once. You can have parts of a program merged into your
main controlling program when necessary.
Two rules determine from what line # the program
will continue at, after a MERGE command.
□ If a nmning BASIC program merges an other program
into memory, the first BASIC program will continue and
have control over the merged program. The merged
program's AUTORUN Iine# will be ignored.
□ If a program is merged from an immediate command
(not running), the merged program will start from its
AUTORUN line #. If it is not an AUTORUN program it
will not run.
Due to the fact that programs are stored on the disk in
blocks, the maximum size of any line in a program to be
merged is 1200 bytes. Merging from disk is a complex
process and there will be noticeable difference in the speed
of a MERGE compared to a load.
The MERGE command doesn't MERGE program
variables only the program lines. This makes your BASIC
overlay programs easier to program.
CAT (Catalog)
The Cat command displays the disk name, all the files
on the disk along with the size of each file in blocks, disk,
number of files and free blocks.
The syntax for the Cat in the 2068 is Cat " can be
closed quotes or they can contain part of a string that you
w r ould like searched for, in the catalog.
E.g.: PRINT #4: Cat ".Bz", would PRINT all the files
that had ".Bz" in them
The 1 s is used as a wild card character and can be
substituted for any character, e.g.: If a disk had files called
progl.B* , Prog2JBB , Prog2.B* on it. And the command
Autumn 2002
was PRINT #4: CAT "ProgT\B*"
The CAT command would find - Progl.B* Prog2.B*
The Spectrum does not allow the search Amotion
since the syntax is only - PRINT #4: CAT
To send a copy of the catalog to the printer, you can OPEN
channel 2 to the printer then do the CAT command.
E.g. OPEN #2, "p M for small printer
PRINT #4: OPEN #2, !, lp" for large printer,
(note- use LKDOS Close command to close #2 . See Ex-
Basic commands for use of OPEN command )
The ERASE command deletes the file on the disk. The
blocks used by the file will be made available to the free
blocks. The erase syntax requires a comma after the file
The GOTO command is used to select which disk
drive is to be used for the next disk commands. The LarKen
disk interface will support up to 4 drives. Numbered 0 to 3.
GOTO 4 will select the RAMdisk.
The selected drive will stay selected until another
GOTO command or the system is turned off.
Drive 0 is selected during power up. Pressing 'J' on
power up will select RAMdisk.
The PRINT #4: print "File" displays the file to screen
or printer directly from disk without altering your program
memory. It can be used to search a disk for a program or
even to examine an NMI SAVE to see the contents of
memory. The listing of BASIC programs will not print line
numbers, but word processor files and text are fairly
accurate. Tins command was inspired by the CPM type
The PRINT #4: LPRINT file command is BASICally
the same as the PRINT command except the file is sent to
the printer instead of the screen. If the file contains printer
control codes (escape codes) then you should PRINT
#4:POKE 16098,3 and also POKE 16093 ,32 to disable any
filtering bv the printer driver and LPRINT command.
Entering the command PRTNT#4: NEW will cause the
DOS to do a warm start. This can be used to reload an
AUTOSTART program from the current drive. If an auto
start is not on the drive then it will do a cold start. A warm
start doesn't change any of the settings in the cartridge or
any selected banks.
MOVE (Rename)
The PRINT#4: MOVE "oldname", "newname"
command will rename a file on disk. This is useful for
giving NMI saves a more meaningful name or changing the
name of any file. It does not check for an extension (.B or
.C etc.) so use it wisely. You can rename an NMI save with
a .B extension so it can be loaded with out using the CODE
Sequential Files
A sequential file is a file that is read from or written
to, one character at a time. Just as the way mat you PRINT
to the screen or the printer by sending one character at a
time, you can now send characters or data to a file on disk
the same way
The 2068 uses channels 0 to 15 to send and receive
data to the screen or printer or from the keyboard. Channels
2 to 15 can be also used for LKDOS sequential files.
(Note - The 2068 uses the command PRINT # to send
data to a channel . E.g.: PRINT #2 ;"the brown fox" Do not
confuse this with the 'PRINT #4:' that is used to precede
LKDOS commands. In the following examples RAND
USR 100: is used instead of PRINT #4 to precede LKDOS
commands for clarity.)
Writing to Sequential Files
To begin, you must OPEN a file to send data to (as
OUTPUT) bv entering the command RAND USR 100:
OPEN #C,"fiiename OUT"
(C = channel 2-15 , the file name can be anything up
to 9 chrs , OUT or IN is the Sinclair token on the T or 'o'
keys . There should be 1 space between the filename and
the OUT or IN token) After the file has been opened you
can send data to it using the PRINT# . e.g.: PRINT #7:
The data sent should be separated into records by
using a comma or a return character (13) as a separator.
This will allow the data to be read back a record at a time.
After all data has been sent to the file, you must CLOSE the
file . E.g.: RAND USR 100: CLOSE #7
Here is a program to demonstrate OUTputing to a file.
10 RAND USR 100: OPEN #5,"Test.Cf OUT "
20 FOR A= 0 TO 1.0
30 PRINT #5; " RECORD -"; A
4 0 NEXT A
50 RAND USR 100: CLOSE #5
(Note that only OPEN and CLOSE commands are preceded
by the LKDOS RAND USR 100: , not the PRINT
You can also send a program listing to a seq-file by
using LIST # (ch), and if the file is OPEN to channel 3
(printer channel) you can use LPRINT or LLIST.
Reading From A File
To read data back from a file, you must open it as input
E.g.: RAND USR 100; OPEN #7, "filename IN"
Then you can use the commands INPUT# or INKEYS# to
read back the data in the file, e.g.: INPUT #7; a$ ; or LET
a$ = INKEYS#7
This program will read back the file and print it
10 RAND USR 100: OPEN #5,"Test.Cf IN"
20 INPUT #5;A$; (or LET a$=INKEYS#5)
40 PAUSE 30 ( delay to show data is read in by records)
50 GOTO 20
(note that INPUT or INKEYS are not preceded by RAND
USR. 100)
1NKEYS# only reads one character at a time, but INPUT#
reads an entire record.
If you read a file right to the end, you will get an END
of FILE error and the file will be closed automatically . If
you don't read to the end you must close it before any other
LKDOS Commands can be used. LKDOS will send CHR$
255 as its last character. If the file is read further you will
get the EOF error.
Uses of Sequential File
Seq-files are normally used for storing data but are
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also handy for transferring text and data between different
By opening the seq-file to channel #3 (the printer
channel) you can print your data to a file instead of
printing it to the printer. You could then for example.
LOAD the file into a word processor for modification or
read the data back a bit at a time by a program. You can
also convert BASIC listings into ASCII text by listing them
to a file, or print the output from an assembler or
disassembler to a file. You can also read array, BASIC or
code files using INKEYS.
Using a modem you can send and receive very large
files (larger than 100K) directly to and from disk,
eliminating the need for a large memory buffer.
Notes On Sequential Files
❖ When a file is OPEN, the only LKDOS command
allowed is CLOSE. Be sure to use RAND USR 100:
CLOSE and not just CLOSE.
❖ Input works very much like a normal keyboard input. It
will not accept some characters such as quotes ' " ' or
unprintable characters. You can use INPUT LINE to read in
quotes. INKEYS will read in any character though. Also
there will be a click noise for every character read using
❖ You can have more than 1 variable in an INPUT
statement but thev should only be separated by a semicolon
e.g.: INPUT a$;b$;
❖ Channel 2 is used by the 2068 to print to the main
screen. If you open a file to channel 2. you can use ordinary
PRINT commands without specifying a channel #. But it is
tricky to use because no printing will be send to the screen.
❖ Do not change the disk in the drive when a file is open.
❖ If you PRINT #4:POKE 16098,3 then this will turn off
the detokenizing routine in the seq-file OUTput routine.
This lets you now send all character 0-255 to the file
without the LKDOS treating these as Timex Tokens . This
means you can use seq-files to store machine code files.
POKE 16098,0 to return to normal.
❖ The file name for a sequential file does not need an
extension (e.g. .D or .C). This allows a lot of freedom but
there are limitations. Such as you can not name it with a .B
in the file name and LOAD as BASIC. If the file is not too
big though you can LOAD it as code.
❖ Only one file can be opened at once, also data cannot
be added to a file once it is closed. (These restrictions do
not apply to the RAM based version of Seq-Files, available
on disk)
Push Button SAVES (NMI)
Located on the top left corner of the disk interface is a
push button that will save any program ranning in memory
to disk. It is known as a snap shot or NMI SAVE push
button. The button triggers a Non-maskable interrupt in the
Z-80 and LKDOS software in that area it SAVEs the
program along with all registers and stack pointers, (the line
on the bottom of the screen is actually these registers).
When the NMI push burton is triggered- the computer
will play a time and then PAUSE. The entire program and
screen can be saved by pressing keys 1 to 5 which will name
the file "NMI-S (1-5). CM" . If you do not need to SAVE
the screen and want to conserve disk space as well, you can
press Caps Shift while pressing 1 to 5 and this will do a
shorter NMI save that is also compatible with Versions 1
and 2 of LKDOS. The display file can he saved as
"SCREEN.CM" by pressing »S\ Also the "a" key will
attempt to stop the program by a RST 8.
You can just press Enter to return you to 3-our program if
you decide to not do a SAVE.
To reload the saved program you need to LOAD it as a
CODE file.
e.g. : PRINT #4: LOAD "NMI-S4.CM" CODE
A BASIC or machine code program can be made to
AUTORUN when the computer is turned on if the Enter
Key is held down.
To save an auto start program, you should first reduce
the size of disk space used by lowering RAMtop with the
CLEAR (address) command so that when you type PRINT
FREE you get. 150 to 200 free bvtes. Then enter RAND
USR 102: RUN or RAND USR 102: GOTO (line#). This
will cause an NMI type SAVE. After the tune plays, press
"d". This will save your program from the start of the
attribute file to RAM top.
This program will auto run when the computer is
turned on with the Enter key pressed. The memory above
RAMtop will be clear, no UDG's. These can be loaded if
necessary as a code file. If the Auto Start program is going
to LOAD in a larger program it should first reset RAMtop
to a high value The lines on the bottom of the screen is
actually all the Z80 registers, interrupt information and
stack pointers.
Some Spectrum emulators need to be turned on by the
command OUT 244,3. To make this type of emulator he
able to AOTORUN a program you need to add this small
machine code routine.
The best place for this routine is in the printer buffer
at location 23300.
Assembly Language Decimal Equivalent
CALL 102 (decimal) 205, 102, 0
LD A3 62, 3
OUT (244), A 211,244
RET 201
After this program has been loaded, you can save your
AUTORUN program by RAND USR 23300: RUN
AUTOSTART saves in 2068 mode will not run in
Spectrum mode and vice versa.
User Defined NMI Routine
Advanced programmers can LOAD their own NMI
routine and have it run when they press the 'F key after
pressing the NMI button. Your code should be loaded into
the cartridge in an unused Location and 8214 should he
poked with the start address of the routine. The routine
should not do any Sinclair ROM calls or disturb the
registers stored at the bottom of the display file. This
routine could be a screen copy, disassembler, monitor, etc.
Code can he loaded into the cartridge using standard
LKDOS LOAD code commands.
Kempston Compatible Joystick
A Kempston compatible joystick port is on the left
side of the disk interface. It is compatible with most
software written for the Spectrum. It is a good idea to
anchor your joystick cable before it attaches to the board.
This will prevent damage to the disk interface in case you
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Autumn 2002
accidentally pull the joystick cable.
The joystick can be addressed by the command IN 31.
Extended BASIC Commands
These commands consist of extended graphic,
additional PRINT and I/O device Channels and up to 3
scrolling windows on the screen.
Graphic Commands
❖ PRINT #4: DRAW width, height pattern (This is a
versatile box fill or clear command that starts at the last plot
command that fills in the selected pattern (0 to 9 (or 10 =
user defined pattern that consists of 8 bytes starting at
address 23540).
❖ PRINT #4: CIRCLE x.y, pattern (This is a region
filling command that fills from right to left, selected blank
areas of the screen in the patterns described above. It will
fill a line until it finds a set pixel) x, y sets the starting pos.
❖ PRINT #4: INK x (immediately changes ink color on
❖ PRINT #4: PAPER x (immediately changes paper
color on screen)
❖ PRINT #4: POKE ab This does a double POKE for 16
bit numbers. V can be 0 to 65535. This command can be
used to POKE into the LKDOS cartridge if the address is
below 16384. This can be used to change parameters for
printer windows or files.
PEEKing Into The Cartridge
Hie method for peeking into the LKDOS cartridge
EPROM or RAM is to first PRINT #4: POKE 8200,
(address to be peeked). Then USR 110 will return the
peeked value, e.g.: this program will print the first 10 bytes
10 FOR A = 0 TO 1.0
20 PRINT #4: POKE 8200, A
30 LET B = USR 110; PRINT A, B
(do not peek or POKE addresses 96 to 111 or the cartridge
will crash )
Channel And Window Commands
❖ PRINT #4: OPEN #n , "device" This attaches a channel
to a display device, (n can be channel 2 to 15 ) device can
be "w0". "wl", "w2" (window 0 to 2). (See other uses for
the OPEN command for sequential file or Large printer
elsewhere in this manual.)
❖ PRINT #4: CLOSE #n (n can be 2 to 15) Tins is used
for closing channels opened with the above command.
Note: never use the Sinclair CLOSE command (unpreceded
by LKDOS switch) to close a channel opened by LKDOS)
❖ PRINT #4: INPUT#(window), top, left pos, right pos.
bottom pos.
This command defines a windows size, position and
color, "window" is 0-2, other parameters are standard
PRINT positions in absolute numbers (0 to 20 or 31) e.g.:
PRINT#4: INPUT#1. 0, 10, 20, 8
This would define window #1 to have its upper left
corner at print pos 0, 10 and the window would be 10 units
wide (20-10). The bottom of the window would be at the
8th line. The screen colors that are being used when the
window is defined will stay with that window.
PRINT #4: CLEAR w This will clear the window (0-2) and
restore the print pos to the top of the window . It will also
recolor the window.
Window Character Sets
When you turn on your 2068 the LKDOS loads the
2068 character set into the cartridge for use with the
windows. The character set Loads into the cartridge at
address 15200 and is 768 bytes long. You can LOAD in 42,
51, 64 or proportional spaced character sets for use with the
windows also. The first byte in each character in the char
set determines the width of the character. The number of
pixels set in the first byte (top pixel row) starting from the
right sets the width of the character. No pixels set would
indicate a full 8 pixel wide character.
E.g.: This is the character pattern for a 'Y' character
that is 5 pixels wide, (you could print 51 of these wide on a
000001 1 1 - This sets a character width of 5 pixels
10001000 - Character data
01010000 - Character data
00100000 - Character data
00100000 - Character data
00100000 - Character data
00100000 - Character data
00000000 - Character data
Using Windows
To use a window you need to OPEN a channel to a
window and then define the size and position with the
PRINT #4: INPUT command
After that to use the window 7 (or "Ip") you can use the
standard commands in the 2068/Speetmm (not preceded by
the LKDOS switch) such as PRINT #n, or LIST #n. e.g.: if
channel #10 has been opened to a window then PRINT #10;
"TEST would print to it. Or LIST #10: would list your
program to it.
The computer uses channel 2 as the channel for
standard PRINT commands to the main screen. You can
OPEN channel #2 to a window or printer. Then all standard
PRINT or LIST will be directed to the selected device.
When any PRINT #4: OPEN # command is used, 50
bytes (total) of memory is added to the channel table. This
may cause a problem for a program that lias machine code
in a REM statement. This is not reclaimed by the PRINT
#4: Close command.
Large Printer Driver
The command PRINT #4: OPEN# 3, LP will allow
you to use the standard LPRINT and LLIST commands for
your large printer. It can be used with AERCO, Tasman or
A&J printer interfaces or a user defined printer interface.
You can change line length, left margin setting, and specify
line feed and it prints graphic characters as underlined
ASCII clirs. TAB and comma V are supported also.
On power up the default settings are AERCO
interface, line length 63, line feed with cartridge return and
margin of 0.
To change settings you will need to use PR1NT#4:
POKE Add, Setting. These addresses are in the LKDOS
cartridge RAM and are not affected by NEW.
POKE 16090, Maximum width of print This is set at 64 on
power up. 16092,0 if you don't want a linefeed with
carriage return, 10 if LF wanted with CR. It is set at 10 on
power up.
16094, Left Margin Setting. This is set at 0 on power up.
Do an LPRINT after changing this.
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Autumn 2002
16096, 0 for AERCO CPL I for Tasinan CP1, 2 for A&J
CPI, 4 for user defined interface routine. For 4. POKE
8216, address of the routine.
You can open LP to any channel but channel 3 is
normally for printer since it uses LPRINT and LLIST. You
can use both Large printer and 2040 at the same time by
opening the LP to a different channel than 3.
Copying And Moving Files
On the disk (or tape) supplied with the system there
are disks programs that are loaded in for copying disks and
moving single files FORMAT.Bx is used to format disks
(see Formatting) and to copy entire disks using 2 drives.
MOVE.B1 is a program for moving 1 or more files
between 2 drives or even just 1 drive. It is very easy to use
if you only have one drive, enter drive 0 for both source and
Adding a RAMDISK
A 256K RAMdisk can also be controlled by LKDOS
as well as 4 floppy drives. The LarKen 1/4 Meg.
nonvolatile memory board attaches to the rear of the 2068.
It acts exactly like the other floppy drives but is very fast.
GOTO 4 selects the RAMdisk. Then all floppy
commands can be used. Before using, you must format the
RAM with the PRINT #4: FORMAT "n", command, (n -
number of RAMchips on the board). Users of the LKDOS
for the AERCO FD-68 can use the AERCO RAM.
The LarKen RAMdisk comes with complete
documentation. Hardware experimenters can add a small
RAMdisk by adding 32K of RAM in the upper 32K of the
dock bank.
User Defined Command
Advanced machine code programmers can add an
extra command to LKDOS by using the PRINT #4: DATA
a, b, c... command. You must LOAD your new command
into an unused area in the LKDOS cartridge and the POKE
8214, (address of command).
The LarKen Disk Editor includes documentation on
how to use MC with the DOS and how to interpret BASIC
LKDOS Errors
In addition to a number of Sinclair errors used by
LKDOS, a number of extra errors are added.
The On-Error command in the 2068 does not
recognize these extra errors .
S - Protect Error Disk cannot be written to. It has a write
protect sticker on it.
T - File Not Found: The requested file is not in the
Catalog. This can be overridden. See LOAD command
U - Disk Full: There is not enough room on the disk to save
the file or more that 100 files in Catalog
V - Wrong File Type: The file type in the extension doesn't
match the syntax of the command. If the token CODE or
DATA is missing or the wrong array type.
W - Invalid Command: The command following the PRINT
#4: is not used by LKDOS.
X - Cat Data Error: The Catalog caimot be read properly so
the command is aborted.
Y - File OPEN: A sequential file is open and the only
command allowed is CLOSE.
Z - Name Exists: When renaming a file with MOVE this
will occur if the new name is already used.
Crc ERROR (man): A Crc error will be printed on the
screen when the DOS cannot read a block after 10 tries. The
number following the Crc error is the block number.
Notes On Using The LKDOS System
> Never turn the power to the disk drive ON or OFF
when there is a disk in the drive with the door closed. This
can glitch a disk and cause loss of data.
> It is a good idea to keep write protect stickers on
important disks at all times except when you want to save
or delete a file.
> You don't have to open the PRINT #4: command ever} 7
time you use the LKDOS . If or example you just want to
see the Cat of a disk, it is faster just to type PRINT USR
100: CAT
> But in BASIC programs, it is a good practice to use the
PRINT#4 command. It uses 3 less bytes that PRINT USR
100: and looks neater. Your BASIC program should contain
the OPEN #4, "dd" in it at the start, of the program so that,
Error 0 - Invalid Stream doesn't occur if the program is just
loaded and RUN.
> Never LOAD or save code over addresses 96 to 111.
This will cause the LKDOS cartridge to be turned off
during a command and cause a crash. This also applies to
PRINT #4: POKE and using PEEK USR 1 10.
> When you remove and install your disk interface from
the 2068 inspect the connector to make sure no pins are
bent and also that the locating key is in place. A damaged
or missing locating key can cause damage to both the 2068
and the disk IF,
> If you plan on distributing some software that is on
LKDOS disks, using disks formatted as single sided will be
compatible on more systems than double sided disks. (48
TPI is most common)
The LKDOS cartridge is also available for the RAMEX,
OLIGER and AERCO disk systems. Your Disks are
compatible with any of these systems.
Addresses Within LKDOS That can be poked to change
parameters (Using PRINT #4: POKE or PEEKed by USR
8195 - Dvsel - this is the current drive selected. 2 = drvO, 4
= drvl, 8 - drv2, 16 = drv3, 1 128 = drv4 (RAMdisk)
8200 - PEEK - holds the address of the address to be
peeked by USR 110.
8214 - USERad - holds the address of the user NMI
function or the address of the User command (DATA)
8216 - PTdrv - holds the address of the user installed printer
interface routine .
8218 - Chars - holds the address of 256 Window Character
Window POKES
Each window uses 20 bytes to keep its info. Window
0 starts 16000, Wl at 16020," and W2 at 16040. Addresses
below are for W0. Add 20 for Wl and 40 for W2. You may
have to PEEK the next address and then add 256* its value
to the value being POKEd when using PRINT#4: POKE.
16004 - Wscrol - POKE this with 255 to increase scroll
counter just like in the 2068.
16005 - Xpos - Xpos of the next print pos. (0-255). Don't
go out of range of window.
16006 - Ypos - Ypos of the next print pos. (0-176). Don't
go out of range of window.
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Autumn 2002
16014 - Wcol - ink and Paper color byte tor window.
Printer And Detokenize POKEs
16090 - MWIDE - maximum printer width. 255 maximum
16092 - LFEED - if 10 then a line feed will be send with
each carriage return. If 0 then no line feed will be sent.
16093 - PPAS - if poked to 32 then all characters
LPRINTed will be sent directly to the printer with no
checking. This is useful for sending control chars or graphic
info to the printer. POKE it to 0 to return to detokenizing
and filtering. Re POKE MARC after poking this one
because PRINT #4: POKE does a 2 byte poke.
16094 - MARG - specifies left margin width. Be sure
MARG + MWIDE does not equal more than your printer
can print (80 chrs)
16096 - PTYPE - Printer Interface type. 0 = AERCO , 1 =
Tasman , 2=A&L 4 = User defined. POKE USERad with
address of user code.
16098 - PFLAG - POKE with 3 to defeat detokenizing and
filtering in LPPJNT "file" command and in printing to a
seq-file. POKE with 0 for restore to normal.
Free Memory in the cartridge for USER routines. Code
can be loaded by the standard LOAD CODE LKDOS
13600 - There are 1400 bytes here that are only used when
the MERGE command is used.
16100 - There are 283 bytes here free at all times.
A floppy disk, unlike a cassette must be formatted
before data can be saved on it. Formatting initializes all
tracks and installs a track map, directory and disk
parameters on track 0. Any errors will be reported as CRC
errors followed by number indicating the track number. A
good format should have no errors reported .
The Format command is not on the LKDOS Cartridge
but is on the supplied cassette. LOAD the cassette and put a
disk in drive 0 and close the door. The first thing to enter is
the Disk Name. Usually the disk name is a short name (less
than 1 line) but LKDOS allows the Name to be up to 1000
characters. This can be used for a disk description etc. The
DELETE key (shift 0) can be used to correct mistakes but
the editing is limited. If you make a big mistake you can
just BREAK the program and reRUN it
To end the entry of the disk name press STOP
(symbol shift A). The drive number can be drive 1 to 4.
Next is the head speed. It must be 6, 12, 20 or 30
milliseconds. Most modem drives can rim at a 6 ms head
speed. Some older single sided drives such as the SA400
Shugart run at a slow 20 ms. (Some newer LarKen disk
interfaces may have a 1772-02 Floppy disk controller chip.
The Format program supplied with it will have a head speed
selection of 2, 3, 6 and 12 ms.)
The number of sides should be I or 2. (Single sided or
The next parameter to enter is the number of tracks.
This number should be 35, 40, or 80. Most drives are 40
track. 35 track drives are obsolete now and rarely used. An
80 track drive is also known as a Quad density drive.
Type "y" if the drive is ready 7 to format the disk. The
drive should turn on and the drive should step from track to
track until the format is completed. The format program can
now be saved onto the disk for future use.
BREAK the program and type RAND USR 100: CAT "
You should see a directory of the disk with all the disk info
displayed. The term BLOCK refers to one track. The total
Blocks on a disk is the (number of sides ) X ( the number of
The DOS numbers the blocks starting from track 0
side 0. Block 1 is track 0 side 1. Block 2 is track 1 side 0.
Block 3 is track 1 side I and so on .
The Format routine creates a track map in the
directory (block 0) that corresponds to the number of tracks
and number of sides that were entered.
When you format a single sided disk, the format
routine creates a track map on the disk that has all side 1
tracks set as in use.
Because the DOS reads tracks from side to side, you
cannot read a double sided disk with a single sided drive.
Also because of track density, disks formatted on an 80
track drive can't be read from 35 or 40 track drives.
You can however read single sided disks with a
double sided drive. So if you have a double sided drive and
you would like to transfer files to someone with a single
sided drive, you can format your disk as single sided.
LKDOS Operation
The LarKen disk system consists of a Cartridge that
contains the software for controlling the drive. This is
called the Disk Operating System (DOS). On the cartridge
is a 8K EPROM mapped in the 0-8K area of the DOS bank
and an 8K RAM that is mapped in the 8-16K area of the
DOS bank.
The DOS bank is activated when the cartridge senses
a USR call (Ml cycle) At address 96 to 110 (decimal). For
LKDOS commands only the address 100 is used (also 102
is used for SAVEing an AUTOSTART file). The other
addresses are used by the DOS as entry points for the
PRINT #4 command, PEEK and windows.
The DOS bank is deactivated when a read of write is
made to this area of memory.
The command - RAND USR 100: OPEN #4."dd" is
used to initialize the PRINT #4: Command to point to the
LKDOS cartridge. The PRINT #4: is easier to type than
RAND USR 100: and there is no chance of accidentally
typing a wrong USR address. The "dd" means "disk drive".
The LKDOS operating system manages all disk space
allocations by using a track map. The map is created by the
format program and resides in track 0 along with the
catalog. By using the map the DOS keeps track of used and
unused areas of the disk.
The catalog can contain up to a 100 filenames. The
blocks used by each file are kept in the Catalog also.
Full information on LKDOS operation and accessing
the DOS from machine code is supplied with the LarKen
Disk Editor.
The rear mounted board is the Disk Drive Interface.
This board controls the drive motors and the data transfer to
and from the disk drive(s). It can control up to 4 drives. (3"
3.5" or 5.25" drives) The disk format used by LKDOS is
double density with 10 sectors of 512 bytes per track (5120
bytes per track).
On a 40 track Double sided drive this will give a
capacity of over 400K per disk. On a single sided 40 track
you will have 200K and on an 80 track double sided you
ZXirQLive Alive!
Autumn 2002
will have 800K per disk.
On each track 5090 bytes are actually used to hold the
saved data and the remaining 30 bytes are used by an
information header .
Also on the board is a push button that will trigger the
NMI line on the Z-80. Tins is used to capture any program
to disk.
A Kempston joy stick port is also on the disk interface
for use with most of the software that is produced for the
Setup Procedure
Your new LarKen disk system contains some chips
that can be destroyed by static electricity. This is why the
boards are wrapped in aluminum foil during shipping.
Observe antistatic precautions when handling these boards.
Always make sure that all power is turned OFF when
installing or removing either of the boards.
In addition to the LarKen boards, you will need a disk
drive(s) , a disk drive cable and a disk drive power supply.
The disk interface can control any floppy drive except an 8"
drive .
The power supply needs to supply 5 volts and 12 volts
DC. The current rating depends on the number of drives,
but a general rule is 1 amp. (on 5V and 12V) per drive.
When using more that 1 drive, set the drive select
jumpers on each drive, as drive 0 to 3 respectively Also
make sure that all terminator resistor packs are removed
from the drive EXCEPT the drive that is connected closest
to the end of the drive cable.
Connect the cartridge and interface to the 2068. Turn
on the 2068 type PRINT USR LOO: You should get the error
message - W Invalid Command .
Connect the drive cable to the interface and drives and
power up the drives and 2068. The drives should not turn
on. If they do, you may have the drive cable reversed.
To test to see if drives are connected properly, insert a
disk into drive 0. Type
PRINT USR 100: Cat*"",
Drive 0 should turn on
(LED and motor) and then
after the approx 15 seconds
it should have turned off.
To test the other drives, use
the command PRINT USR
100: GOTO drive number
(0-3) then use the PRINT
USR 100: Cat " M , to
activate the drive.
If you did not
purchase the disk drive
cable you can make your
own using 2 feet of 34
conductor ribbon cable and
2 or more 34 position
ribbon cable edge card
connectors. The best way
to install the connectors on
to the cable is to use a vise
to squeeze the connector.
The connector on the
interface end should be
The Spectrufl* rsan can
on by the command OUT
mounted opposite to the drive connector(s). If you use more
than 1 drive, space the drive connectors 3" apart.
Installing the cable on backwards will not cause any
damage, but the drives will turn on.
ADDING a LROS Cartridge chip to the LKDOS
Don't attempt this unless you have a proper soldering
iron and experience in delicate soldering Parts needed - 28
pin IC socket , 74HCT37 IC
Use a low r power soldering pencil that is properly
grounded. Temporarily remove the EPROM from the
LKDOS cartridge. Bend pins 20 and 22 on the socket
outwards. Note - all Ics have their pin 1 (dot or notch)
towards the center of the cartridge.
Install the 28-pin socket on top of the 8K: RAM IC
(the 28 pin IC that is soldered to the board). Carefully
solder all pins except 20 and 22. (you only need a tiny bit of
solder). Carefully remove all leads from the 74HCT32
except pins 1, 2, 3, 7, 14. Bend pins 1 and 3 up (fold the
lower halfback up) Stack tins chip on top of the middle 14
pin IC- (pin 1 faces in) and solder the pins 2, 7 and 14 to the
same pins on the IC beneath.
Run a small wire from pin 3 on the HCT32 to pins 20
and 22 on the 28 pin socket. Run a small wire ROM pin I
on the HCT32 to the ROS enable connection near the buss.
That's it !
Check for any shorts or solder bridges. Reinstall the
LKDOS EPROM and test it in the 2068 to see if it still
works OK.
Remove the EPROM for your OS-64 or Spectrum
emulator and insert it into the socket. If it doesn't work,
recheck your work.
If you have a Spectrum ROM chip (not EPROM),
part# : 23 128 it may not work unless you bend pin 27 out
(so it doesn't go into the socket) and ground this pin
(connect a small wire from pin 14 to pin 27)
244,3 or
fty pr«ftS3ng r K* on power up.
yj,~rt "Cram
52 ^ Ss*&#?
■i 1
ZXir QLive Alive!
Autumn 2002
The Spectrum ROM can be turned on by the
command OUT 244,3 or by pressing K on power up.
The Spectrum 23128 ROM
The 23128 ROM (NEC and others) has 3 chip selects
which cause problems (it can't be deselected by LKDOS)
when installed in the 2068 ROM socket or in the optional
EPROM socket on the LKDOS board.
11" you want to remove the 2068 ROM and install the
Spectrum ROM, you must bend out pin 22 so it won't go
into the socket and solder a small wire from it to pin 27.
If you want to install the Spectrum ROM into a socket
added to the LKDOS cartridge you must bend out pin 27 so
it doesn't go into the socket, and solder a small wire from it
to pin 14.
Med!. £ I ed
rtcad. L f i *r£i
CTKis. is
das aoek"-et
aamjt&'&i bis'
Qer<d OMT
37 "foi
CIRCUIT 4 or WHI SAVE. Push button
For the NW'l save to work properly a pu^h
bounce and a short pulse is critical. This
si mpi.fe" idS4 but yoM should us© a f.Up flfiJp
ft' c abettor f schmitt trigger type debounce
button, circuit mth no
circuit is only *
or « latch like thi&*
circus i ssbould'nt t>«
u^ed because it doesnt produce a single
To teat the nmi button you can trigger
the press enter » The tune should only
frhid the program should! epntinue* If the
or the' program crashes then the swi
it within a program and
play once (start and *r*d)
■ tune repeats it* sail
has bounced*
— ==GATOR== —
LarKen Electronics
RR#2 Navan Ontario
Canada K4B-1H9
ZXir QLive Alive!
Autumn 2002
U n c I a s s 1 f led
Place your ads here, it is frees
Please inform and/or update the Editor of any changes in your ad/s
€L, Spectrum, ZX-81 and ZSS
E-Mail 7460 1 . 1 53 5@compuserve.com
Phone 210 661-4376
Heme Electronics Service
John R. Rish
5222 Kazen Dr.
San Antonio TX 78219 USA
The John Oliger Co.
11601 Widbey Dr.
Cumberland IN 46229
The John Oliger Floppy Disk System
j oliger@mindspring.com
New England Sinclair QL Users Group
Ed Kingsiey, Editor
16 Highland Avenue
Saugus MA 01906
(781 ) 233-3671 EdK4@aol.com
ARCHIVE Based QL Software
Bill Cable
Wood & Wind Computing
RR3 BOX 92
Cornish NH 03745 USA
Phone (603) 675-2218
Dentine Cubes
Hardware & Software
352 7 th Ave. 15 th Fir.
New York, NY 10001
Phone 212 631-7563
Hacker's Journal
Supporting All QL Programmers
Timothy Swenson, Editor
2455 Medallion Dr.
Union City, CA 94587-1914
Peter Liebert-Adelt
Email: p.liebert@t-online.de
Software for the Timex\Sinclair Computer
MC, VISA, American Express. Phone 717-748-1747
Keith Electronics
224 North Grove St
Lock Haven, PA. 17745
Surplus T/S
281 130 th ST
OGDEN IA 50212
< jshepard@wccta.net >
Mostly QL & TS-2068
BEND OR 97701
< jboatno4@outlawnet.com >
Mostly ZX-81/TS-1000 & TS-20 68
ZXir QLive Alive!
Autumn 2002
The magazine tor Sinclair u
sers art«f Tima«/Sinclalr users
MmtrzH/jUkprM 1984
TMsmm section: srmc at the KEYBOARD-preooRAMfviiNiG "% t
Tfs** Array ^vantage * Anatomy of a Pr&gr&m Line » Knight's Tpewjr ■ SorfS#Jp
Techniques - Memory Mapping B Using ft AM Paries * TS2&63 Tips fW
^ACNil^ie LAMUASE;; The Great Circle • PARCLE * HARDWARE? ROW afM^RAI
A^cfr^ssinq * Great S3 AM fltescue » GAM^Jtouli • Meteors » REVffil
«3<?~fer • S?X Pw/f?ifa^'Wrercontr€>lfer * Forth
Abed, if it is not too late for the Sept issue, the following announcement could be included:
NESQLUG will have their 2002 annual weekend Fall meeting on 26-27 October at
Bill Cable's unique hand built home in New Hampshire. The date was selected to
coincide with the nearby machinist model show going on that weekend. Any
QLer interested in attending should contact Bill for details:
I hope someone from TSNAUG can attend the meeting to discuss coordination between our groups in such
things as next years QL show. God bless,
Al Boehm <albertboehm@juno.com>
ZXir QLive Alive!
Autumn 2002